Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Sir Ken Robinson interview with Steve Hargadon

rough notes.. need to clean... so worse than illiterate just now.. :)

Sir Ken Robinson in an interview with Steve Hargadon  

on his book The Element - talks about 3 individuals - stories

not touchy feely - but serious

most people don't find the thing they love to do in their lives

we're wasting time
we've educated people for the industrial wealth
we have too much disillusion an disengagement

 a lot to do with humanizing education
joe - what did you mean by organic vs industrial - bad metaphors

SharonP: Isn't it interesting that run of mill - plain-jane public schools are not getting mentioned?

elvis presley wasn't allowed in the glee club at school, the other kids thought he would ruin their sound

we have to think differently, everyone has a talent

his talks are listened to by so many... so let's gather that many and change things..

10 yrs ago - people weren't taking the green argument that seriously, seen as a vaguely hippie thing
but now - the idea has taken roots
whatever the cause - there's been a shift in sensibility

ken thinks we might be approaching the same thing in our thinking about people.
people are ready for a shift.

40 years ago - only like 4 consumer electronics... no reason to go back to best buy
today.. no end
digital culture has changed everything

what is digital tech giving ?
1. avalanche to new creative thinking - new outlets
2. more connectedness than before (people and info)

lots of myths about creativity
most achievements are collaborative
draws from our interactions with others
where's my tribe - finding others that share your passions
raises the bar

post by aaron eyler  - just tweeted during this talk
told the fireman story, student saving a teacher

linchpin.. true passion doesn't let resistance stop them

"i don't find it whimsical that everyone can find their passion, .. in fact , i see that as a huge disservice if we disregard it."

a big argument in the book about energy

Steve said it feels like the book starts and ends with education.

he says it's meant to be the primary way to face the future,
it's strategically and fantastically important

it's not that there are standardized tests
it's that it's a multi billion dollar industry, and not much is done for ed with it

engage people so they are excited about learning...

492 here
the blue school (link?)

ted talk on open source - source of sharism - cameron sinclair
