Saturday, January 9, 2010

david warlick keynote for e2t2

bullet notes to be revised later...

he always starts with something he just learned the day before to model how a teacher should be today... always learning.  - backchannel

redefine, literacy, warlick  (if i add these words then it will be shared in his handouts.
he demo'd 2nd life - talks about the perks of it is that is unboxing ed - no longer defined by walls.

he and his avatar are good because they share history - that they came from the same perfect ed... sat in same row learning how to perform repetitive tasks. however - that's not the future that happened.

cell phone has given us super human powers... take the phone to the store to know what to get

not sure how much i can type on here with the backchannel... and he's got so much good info... this is exactly how class should be... so engaging you can't wander...

ron says - still a need for paper - wondering what those needs are....

if this is where we're going.... toe rings that are gps, jackets with circuitry, .... we need to be preparing our kids for this... the future they are going to prevent..

so erica mcwilliams - being usefully ignorant, knowing what to do when we don't know what to do.
key thing we need to be giving our kids - how to teach themselves

quote from ron: This is the important concept: prepare our children for their future. Now, consider what this means both intellectually and culturally.

literacy today - investigate anything you come across:
url backtrack - loads parent page
then go to fav search engine, then the organization,

so he showed us that his backtracking came to a blocked sign - but at home they could find out it wasn't a trustworthy place - and then what would they do...

next - wikipedia...
part 1: go find at wikipedia
part 2: now prove it's true

we used to be taught to assume the authority... that was as bad or worse than

ron: Good point: Our written texts may be inaccurate and Wikipedia may be inaccurate; however, Wikipedia seems to self-correct itself more quickly

are textbooks more credible than a source that warns you about credibility

brian: I like books, a lot, but these new ways of gaining info are amazing.

truth is a moving target

wikipedia is by far more reliable than we have any reason we believe it to be..

6 min already flagged for pollution... i heard youtube gets that as well

inaccuracies are opportunities for learning 

can you expose what is true.... - great resource on david's site  (he's been there 15 yrs)
data research in particular - math in a different way - stats class for sure

copy and pasted into spreadsheet - didn't accept data base - so had to select other than html

math - making number tell our story

need to find out about this  - intuem - when he pulled up the music
thank you for the link @dwarlick - very next day

2010 988 exabytes, doubling every 3 days
2006 sum total, doubling every 2 years
what's an exabyte you say?  1 EB = 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 B = 1018 bytes or 1 billion gigabytes

if you're only getting people ready for 1990's..... out of the loop man

today is literacy for what you need right now.....

not because of the technology but more importantly because of the connectiveness

250 sets of encyclopedias britanicas in less than a second

information has to compete for your attention.

ron:  Here's a question: if we have so much information coming at us, how do we get to deep learning?

that's what we need to be helping our kids with... how to get at what matters

showed video from girl in ca - who's brother was fighting against global economy

any school that is not teaching media and art and music is just producing factories...

 spam has grown, we love to hate spam
in 2005 spam cost world 19billion, in 2007 35 billion
copenhagen consensus, we could bring hivaid under control for 27 billion
has to be a humanity side to all this.

not literacy skills but literacy habits,

blog: we are not afraid... established after the london bombing.. he wanted pictures that said - we are not afraid... first day he got 2500

story of his visit where they got wifi and all the parents went out and bought their own netbooks. -

teacher from berthoud - pre- engineering... wondering where he would be without his grant..
how do you get an entire district to change their that money shifts to more important purchases/causes
warlick - tell a story - a new story about teaching and learning - that shatters our old version, bring the students in on that... why you think it's important to be learning in digital environments - then get local tv to start showing it.
convince people that info has changed....
(we need to do this tsd)

teachers need to be in the practice of keeping up

ron's take aways:
notion about time: how wisely do we use it ourselves.
use conversations in the hallway
resources - super's job is about finances
use resources differently - rather than wisely
parents have learned that kids need to be bringing home a textbook and paper
a mental model about ed that we need to change
we have to be always learning

end of month - strategic planning process
where we see ourselves in next 10 years, vision 2020
changing dymanic about this thing called tech - but it's not tech - it's literacy

 pen and pencil of our generation... digital tech

in between sessions: 

connections :
pete at bhs - health
 at bhs - pre engineering

james e folkestad at csu
kathy gaasvig - career & tech ed and lisa

now in admin meeting:
there's just one literacy, skills involved in getting the information you need to do what you need to do
can you find the appropriateness of it

come up with an online platform to contribute info that can be put in text book - brainhoney? other alg site that wants people to help

open sourced as opposed to packaged content

they're going to see me practicing what they need to be doing

technology opens up portals for richer far reaching conversations

how do we get kids to be more inquirous....
how do we get teachers to be more usefully ignorant
the new question of the day - what did you just learn

we need to get a kids group going

worst thing a teacher can say to me - is oh that's cool, but who's going to teach it to me

afternoon session -  pln

when he asks how people learned how to do stuff - engaged in daily casual pd
slide for this afternoon

people and sources that help me do my job

blogging - a carrying on of a conversation....
levine - shifted librarian

david jenks - strength of ties
steven downes - daily - cool podcast about networking  - he is a filter
his blog: 1st was personal newspaper, then personal library, then personal network

the connectors
the mining
the mapping

blogging is at the heart of my pln - i blog so i can learn

blogging is easy - because it is entirely about the literacy (not about you) reading/thinking/writing

wiki - a tool you use after you have already connected

if you use and follow twitter you are amongst the first to learn something - most powerful pd

mining the conversation... this is the power of the new generation  technorati creator says- the blogosphere is the exhaust for the learning environment

taking learning conversations and turning them into content

problem - teaching a unit of maps and want to include best and lates ideas:
1) search technorati for cartography - get 96 blogs found out of a few million - recent ones

looking for people that are talking about things that will help me do my job

dwarlick - his delicious site
dwarlick - his twitter

networking works because it's a network of similar ideas

mapping the network

question - how do you find the time to look at all this - do you have a set time?
his answer - i find so much value in what comes in  - i make time to look - you just do the best you can

twitscoop - a twitter search engine 

you get a cloud of what people are tweeting right now

data visualization:   tag galaxy - totally eye candy - connects to flickr

video games as a learning experience

what is the difference between him as a 13 yr old and me
difference is - he has no ceiling....they have the sense that anything is possible
more about learning networks and less about classrooms

we all want info now

government of finland has determined that high speed internet is a legal right
france - is a civil right
i think this is my biggest takeaway of the weekend... the above... scandanavia is deemed the most intelligent country ... their ed is free... now wifi....    we should pay attention to that.

we have become a question asking culture

assassin's creed - no instructions, no manual
how do you do that with no instructions ??
so it's constantly asking and answering questions

what questions do they ask in the classroom -

for presentation he keeps using this upside down tool - looks cool

sʞɔoɹ ʞɔı1ɹɐʍ pıʌɐp

average american teen over 2000 text messages a month
they never have to say goodbye -
when they walk into our classrooms we chop their tentacles off
this is an insult for out kids

tweeted above and got this:
irasocol @monk51295 how many text messages make up a typical conversation? Do we count sentences in voice calls?

facebook 300 million active users,, 70% are outside the us
teaching kids how to do their own programming
algebra - i had learned how to solve for x
what i learned in programming - you're not solving for x, instead you are manipulating y so that x will do what you want it to do.
scratch has it's own network - kids working together on codes, etc.  nice
when he took it he got reemed from a peer for taking it without giving credit
that is authentic response rather than a grade or a punitive measure
not just instant gradification

is there value in grammar - chris lehman story
at this school every student has a blog
one day he wrote a blog entry that resinated powerfully with the student body at that school - at the end of the day he went to the english teacher and said - i need you to teach me grammar because my grammar isn''t good enough for my ideas - a news tool - very cool - you doodle to get results

2nd life - dancing - takes a tons of programming
celebrate the ____ of the mistakes

how can we hack the code in our classrooms

how do you get kids to ask questions
we need to start small and

go to youtube and plug in phun and get some cool videos

when students are blogging their class assignments - audience changes and so does
grid - dang only works on a mac - but it shows everyone results on his screen

ian fogarty - sells lab manuals
darren kuraptwa - every day has one person in class start commenting on the notes and the next day they pick someone to carry it on

purpose of school - not get called being wrong

we need to teach kids how to turn work in to play

if i were teaching - environmental issue - begin of year - i would assign class experts... ie: you are our middle east expert

the copenhagen consensus - determining the most important issues and how to solve

the power of second life is not in the socializing - it's in the building... enter programming

a lot of kids don't think of technology as technology
alan kay - tech is anything that was invented after you were born

on girls playing less video games than boys - actually girls play more by a few % points, they just play different ones...  showing that all kids are playing video games

girls vs guys -
more men than women - because girls have been better at school, boys at play, we need to teach more of the girls how to play - so that innovation and creativity can come..

copyright is there to promote creativity -
to empower people to remix... culture to create new culture
that's opened up a whole lot...

in terms of flickr - easy way - go to

an extension called takes all photos in that search and lines them up in a 3d arrangement