oodles of great insight into my brain from this one. the huge aha for me... i would have to say....starting on pg 191,
1) on brilliantly innovative young people:
"the principal asset a young tech entrepreneur has is that they don't know a lot of things. in almost every other circumstance, this would be a disadvantage, but not here, and not now...when the world really has changed overnight, when wild new things are possible if you don't have any sense of how things used to be, then it is the people who got here five minutes ago who understand that new possibility, and they understand it precisely because, to them, it isn't new."
2) and on their elders, who's brilliance is of a different color:
"(they know) from experience that you find music in stores, try on pants before you buy them, and get news and job reading newspapers. (that makes them) not-bad analysts, because (they) have to explain new technology to (themselves) first - (they're) too old to understand it natively. but is makes (them) lousy entrepreneurs."
we've got to give up the reigns to youth. we've got to encourage them in their pursuits. unyieldingly.